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Michael Edelstein

Business TRAINER

Stop listening to gurus, anyone that hasn’t run and built their own business – sorry but they’re not qualified to coach you.

Why Work With Me?


Because you’ve seen the stats: More than 60% of businesses fail within the first 3 years.

Now that’s a high FAILURE Rate but it doesnt take into account those business owners that are stressed, broke and hating their life – probably a pretty high number. It doesn’t have to be that way!

There are 3 main components to running a successful business:


1. Sales & Marketing – that’s the lifeblood of any business – without marketing there is no sales and without sales there is no Business!


2. People & Systems – you need the right systems in place with the right people running those systems so that you have an actual business and can take time off, enjoy your life, spejd time with your family and perhaps even travel 3 months of th eyear like me (don’t worry my phone is always on me and you can still call me anytime!)

3. Financial Management – without understanding your cashflowm receivables, working capital, good intenral controls and as reporting system – you are doomed – you can have amazing sales and makreting an dgreat people but you’ll stlll fail and go broke without appropriate financial management.



Because of my life and work experience I am uniquely qualified more than any other Business Coach you’ve ever come across and that’s because what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like your competitors. If you hire me right now, that’ll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you (just in case you’r enot a movie buff – that’s from the movie Taken). 

                                                        But seriously why?

1. I worked in what’s probably the hardest sales jon in the world, and that’s selling people! Essentially my job is to sell a ‘product’ that has a family, aspirations, health issues, religious views and is a very fickle products that changes its mind every few days! I’ve been selling things since I was a child – my best man at the wedding said I could sell ice to eskimos and oil to the Saudi’s – so that testament enough that you’re getting hte right guy.



2.  I’ve been privildged to have be in a position where I’ve had to supervisose, train and manage peoplefrom a young age in most of my role possibly due to natural leadership ability and charisma, possibly due to just high performance. But more importantly I’ve been a recruiter for 10 years and have placed hundreds if not thousands of people into jobs. I probably spend more time interviewing people in one month than you would in your lifetime as a small business owner so I am uniquely positioned to help you in the one of the 3 critical areas which is identiifying an dhiring the right people – because the right people will make or break your organsiation.


3.  I am a qualified CPA – so yes I am an accountant by trade – even though I haven’t really been in Public Practice since my early 20’s – but what bothers me is when I see small business owners that work so damn hard only t be taken advantage of by their bookkeepers, accountants, lawyers as well as their own intenral staff through fraud and deceptive conduct – open up the newspapers and you see some poor sod fleeced out of hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars. Worse though is seeing smart entreprenurial bsiness owners running their businesses into the ground becasue they have no idea how the accounts work and have never set up the right systems in place to monitor their progress. You can be a gun sales guy but if you don’t have cash – then you’re calling the liquidators in!

There are very few people in this world that have the head for big picture strategic things as well as the eye for small details. A person that can sell like a champion but also do your accounts at night, Someone thats great with people but also loves great system! It’s a unique combination of skillts and traits in one person (no I’m not perfect – don’t worry I have my wife to bring me down to the ground – she is really good at remidning me about I’m not the Messiah) – but I might have somehtign to offer you, and hey it doesn’t cost you anything.




“Michael was able to objectively look at my idea, show me my blind spots and helped me turn it into a profitable company in less than 3 months!”

What I can do for your Business










Contact us:


0421 892 145



143 York St, Sydney NSW, 2000