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What Exactly is Business Coaching? Do I really need it?

Coaching Basics

The reason I called this business Business Trainer is simple: I see very few people make progress at the gym by themslves hence why you have F45, CrossFit and many other little gyms popping up – because as much as you want to look great and lose weight – without someone guiding you and keeping you accountable 99% of you will struggle to do it on your own. So just like a Personal Trainer will get you there faster so will a Business Trainer!

Do You Need Business Coaching?

Do you have an amazing idea that you’d like to turn into a business?

Has your current business hit a plateau in sales?

Are you dreading work everyday because you don’t have enough time for anything? Coming home exhausted? Kids making you feel guilty? Partner is complaining about how little time you have for them?

You need staff but can barely keep your head above water financially and time wise and are caught in Catch 22 situation of no staff and no time to find them?

Your business is alive – but you’re earning less than you used to in your job but working more? Worse – your staff are earning more than you – so now you’re working for them, but feel responsible for their welfare so can’t let go?

You’re just fucking struggling with and just need someone to talk to and give you perspective, get you motivated and get out of a slump?

If you answered yes to any of the above – then I might be your guy!


What I Can Help You With

Business Viability Audit

Sales & Marketing

Business Planning

Systems and Operation


Pitch Assessment

Hiring & Leadership


Accounting & Accountability

My Approach to Coaching:

You don’t need want a business coach – you need results – every man and his dog is a coach – I don’t pretend I know everything – you won’t get BS with me, nor will I put up with yours – we work together to get you results! If you don’t get results then you don’t pay anything.

Don’t buy into the BS about earning millions, get your dream clients and doing it all with work life balance and doing a 20 hours a week from a beach – if you’re running a real business then you know none of that is true.

We’ll work together and maybe after months of solid work we might get you closer to that goal.

You’ll get a sounding board (basically a very cheap version of a Board of Directors), someone to remove your self limiting beliefs , guide you, question you, bosses are surrounded by yes people or those with their own agendas so it’s good to get third party, unbiased, objective views. That’s why I don’t specialise in any industry – because it’s even more important to have a fresh pair of eyes then doing things the same as everyone else – otherwise how are you going to stand out form the competition.

You don’t feel alone – entrepreneurs journey can be very lonely – your wife/husband doesn’t understand what it takes to succeed in business, nor do the kids – all you have is guilt from them – so it’s important to have someone that does.

Stop listening to gurus, anyone that hasn’t run and built their own business – sorry but they’re not qualified to coach you.

Don’t believe someone that has this 5 step process – it’s a cookie cutter approach – your business and your story is your own – and depending on that story we’ll figure out the optimal solution that help you achieve your goals – not the goals of a system the business coach says you should be following. If they have a TM – i.e. trademarked thing next to their system – run for the hills!

I’m sick and tired of seeing TM next to every single word in the dictionary. There are 8 billion people – your ideas are not original, your systems are copied from somewhere else, who copied them from the previous guy/girl – just because they went to a seminar and were told it looks really cool to coin a BS term and put a TM next to it – should be illegal. I’m going to treat you like the smart and enterprising person that you are, that has issues like we all do – and let’s work through them.

I’m not going to pretend I know everything – because I don’t – I might not even be the right guy for you – and that’s ok – it won’t cost you anything.

If you’re thinking you don’t need a coach. I’ve got news for you – coaches have coaches/mentors – because we’re all human – we’re all fallible and need to be guided!

I do this because it’s my passion to coach and mentor people. I have other businesses – does your Coach? Or is all they do coach and therefore need you as a client! It means I can experiment with things in my own business and am constantly learning just like you with hands-on experience.

Who is this not for?

If you’re into get rich quick scams and have shiny object syndrome then nothing will work for you until you shift your perspective – I cannot promise you’ll double your business in 6 months – if that’s your goal we’ll try but there are too many variables.

If you’re not coachable – if you have major issues with gambling, drugs or other addictions – this won’t work!

Your work ethic sucks! Achieving a goal requires a solid work ethic, immense commitment and resilience.

You’ve got too many other things going on in your life to take this seriously – this will just be a waste of your money. USe that money for a holiday and come back to me when you’re ready.

If you fall for websites with nice cars, flying first class and living by the ocean – if you buy into that then you’re probably not the right person for me – if you think someone plastering that all over the Instagram, Website or Facebook is a wanker or a faker – then you’re probably more my kind of person.

Basically if you want someone that’s driven, successful and more importantly authentic that’s made mistakes and learned a lot of lesson to ensure you’re on the right path in your journey – then that’s me!

Sales & Marketing

This is what I can help you with:

  • Sales Training for your team
  • Setting approrpiate KPI’s and Reporting Systems
  • Review and Revise your Marketing Approach and Sales Copy


Creating a Vision, Strategy, & Roadmap to Reach Your Goals

I am not interested in you becoming the richest guy in your industry or suburb at the expense of your family. I am interested in you being a whole human being that has a trhiving business, a few hobbies they’r passionate about and a loving and supportive family that’s benefiting from the financial success and flexibility that your business affords you. I see too many business owners either fail or do really well but end up divorced with broken families and kids that hate them – very few know how to strike a balance – I can show you how!

Scale & Maintain Healthy Operations & Culture

Without the right people and system – you wont ever achieve what we discussed above – being a whole human being. You need good people and you need even better systems. 

Without appropriate Financial Management, Budgeting & Reporting Tools – you won’t get very far because you’ll have no idea where you are!

Without Accountability – you won’t achieve any of the above!


I Also Give Hands-On Workshops & Talks

If you need me to come in and discuss strategy or do a workshop with your executive or sales team then click on the button below to organise.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much do you charge?

Depends on the service you want! Do you just want a pitch assessment, feasibility advice on your idea so you don’t waste precious time. Or do you want monthly coaching – in which case it will depend on whether we need to work on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis? Don’t worry I won’t charge you anything you can’t afford and I will never charge more than the value I provide.  

How Long do i need to commit for?

The first month is diagnostics! Just like you wouldn’t want to go to a doctor and get a prescription without them asking you questions and diagnosing your issue neither do you want your business coach telling you what to do without thoroughly understanding your situation. 

After that it’s a month by month arrangement – I never want you to feel like you’re locked in if you don’t feel you’re getting value. I could easily do what do what other coaches do with is sign you up for 6 or 12 months or even offer you a discount to prepay 12 months in advance but then ask yourself what’s y incentive to ensure I am still delivering value??? And vice versa if I feel you’re not holding your end of the bargain and just wasting my time and your money then I will suggest we part ways. 


How long before I see results?

How long before you start being honest with yourself? How long before you start implementing what we discuss?

Remember I can’t do the work for you – I am only here guide. Just like a personal trainer can’t do the reps for you, nor can they tell you how long it will tak eyou to get a 6 pack – neither can I tell you how long it will take you to achieve your goals but we’ll sit down, work it out together and I’ll keep you accountable until you do!


What if i am not satisfied with your style/service/approach?

There is a good chance you won’t be. And that’s ok we’ll just sit down and have a “It’s not you, it’s me” kind of chat and we can’t come to an understanding, we’ll hug it out and part ways with no hard feeling and contracts.

What if my business is too small or too large?

There is no such thing as too large or too small – I work with businesses that are still at the idea phase all the way to established multi-nationals – whatever stage you’re at there will be appropriate strategies we can discuss to achieve the goals you’re after.



0421 892 145



143 York St Sydney NSW 2000